I just read my first post and thought, "What the heck? Where did that come from?" Originally I'd written the reasons for starting a blog - to make room in my brain for new thoughts, concepts, and ideas by moving the oldies from their organic container to a different storage device (hence the blog); to analyze the oldies and figure out how they came to be and if they are of further use; to get feedback from people to determine if any of these ideas and thoughts align with generally-accepted reality or if I'm just creating my own version; and to help myself and others think better and faster.
Of course, I can't think a thought, or write one down, without launching a full-on analysis of its source and how it relates to other thoughts, then (probably a consequence of many years in Marketing) editing it until it is no more than a sound byte (or is it bite?).
Maybe that's good and maybe it isn't. An irresistable urge to rewrite is, I suspect, tied to a need for people to think I'm smart. At this moment a little voice is chanting, "'Perhaps' sounds smarter than 'Maybe.' Change it, change it now!"
Let's call this the Hermione Granger Syndrome, or HGS (xref Harry Potter for details if you don't know what I mean). I'll attempt (I mean try) to keep HGS from affecting my posts. However, all of a sudden I'm absolutely fascinated with the whole HGS thing. I've just admitted that I seek approval from authority figures and intentionally (though perhaps subconsciously) try to cultivate a persona of smart girl.
Whew! And now I know the real reason I started this blog. Therapy.
Have a nice day.
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